A群鏈球菌(Group A Streptococcus)是一種細菌,屬於鏈球菌的種類,通常以鏈狀或對的形式存在。這種細菌可以引起多種感染,包括喉嚨炎(扁桃腺炎)、皮膚感染(如蜂窩組織炎)、以及更嚴重的疾病如風濕熱和急性腎小管炎。它是引起人類疾病的主要病原體之一,尤其在兒童中較為常見。
例句 1:
Streptococcus pyogenes常常是造成喉嚨痛的罪魁禍首。
Streptococcus pyogenes is often the culprit behind sore throats.
例句 2:
醫生檢測到患者體內有Streptococcus pyogenes感染。
The doctor detected an infection with Streptococcus pyogenes in the patient.
例句 3:
治療Streptococcus pyogenes感染通常需要抗生素。
Treatment for Streptococcus pyogenes infections usually requires antibiotics.
例句 1:
醫生告訴我我得了Strep A,必須接受治療。
The doctor told me I have Strep A and need treatment.
例句 2:
學校裡出現了Strep A的疫情,家長們都很擔心。
There was an outbreak of Strep A at school, and parents are very concerned.
例句 3:
檢查結果顯示他感染了Strep A。
The test results showed that he is infected with Strep A.
例句 1:
Group A strep感染在兒童中非常普遍。
Group A strep infections are very common among children.
例句 2:
預防Group A strep的擴散需要良好的衛生習慣。
Preventing the spread of Group A strep requires good hygiene practices.
例句 3:
醫生提醒我們要注意Group A strep的症狀。
The doctor reminded us to be aware of the symptoms of Group A strep.
例句 1:
Beta-hemolytic streptococcus在實驗室檢查中被發現。
Beta-hemolytic streptococcus was found in the laboratory tests.
例句 2:
這種Beta-hemolytic streptococcus可能導致嚴重的感染。
This type of Beta-hemolytic streptococcus can lead to serious infections.
例句 3:
醫生要求進行檢查以確認是否有Beta-hemolytic streptococcus感染。
The doctor requested tests to confirm the presence of Beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection.